Openssl Rsa Generate Key Pair C

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Openssl documentation: Generate RSA Key. You want to use RSA to encrypt data, and you need to generate a public key and its corresponding private key. Use a cryptography library's built-in functionality to generate an RSA key pair. Here we'll describe the OpenSSL API. If you insist on implementing RSA yourself (generally a bad idea), see the following discussion.

Holographic print detection is an essential task in applications requiring automatic validation of government-issued ids, banknotes, credit cards and other printed documents from a video stream. Today we’ll discuss how to approach this problem with Python and OpenCV.

Unique features of holographic print


Human can instantly recognize a holographic print by two main characteristics:

  • highly reflective
  • color changes within a wide range depending on relative position of the light source

Some prints, like logos on credit cards, may have more advanced security features when holographic print incorporates specific sequence of images which is ‘played’ when you rotate it against the light source. In this article, we will focus on just two main characteristics above.

Sample data

First, we’ll need to collect the data for analysis – a sequence of frames capturing the holographic print from different angles under directional light source. The optimal way to achieve this is to record a video with a smartphone with torch turned on, like this:

Now, as we have the data to experiment, what’s our plan?

  1. Perform segmentation – accurately detect the zone of interest on each frame
  2. Unwarp and stack zone of interest pixels in a way ensuring coordinates match between frames
  3. Analyze resulting data structure to find coordinates of hologram’s pixels
  4. Display results

Image segmentation

Because the object which have holographic print on it (or a camera) will be moving, we’ll need to detect the initial position and track it throughout the frame sequence. In this case, a banknote has a rectangular shape. Let’s start by identifying the biggest rectangle on the image.

Here, goodFeaturesToTrack function is used to get strong corners from the image, then maximum rectangle of a proper orientation is estimated.

Tracking the movement

An obvious way to track the movement would be to detect corners in a similar way on all consecutive frames, however, this method is not robust to changes in the background and severe rotations of the object. Instead, we will detect initial features inside the rectangle, and estimate their new positions on consecutive frames using optical flow algorithm

Note: we could skip rectangle detection altogether and detect keypoints on full image, but it’s unrealistic to have such a convenient neutral background in a real-world scenario.

Now it’s possible to look for same keypoints on every next frame using a function which implements Lucas-Kanade method. Additional trick here is to filter out unstable keypoints by running an algorithm forward and backwards, and then cross-checking result with known initial keypoints.

To map pixel coordinates of a given frame to source frame’s coordinates, we’ll need to estimate a transformation matrix with findHomography function, which takes two lists of source and destination keypoints and returns a transformation matrix.

Here’s how the video looks after unwarping. Not perfectly aligned, because banknote have some curvature of itself, but much better!

Detecting a hologram

Previous processing steps allowed us to get a data structure like this:

Where z-axis represents the number of frame in the sequence. Let’s create histograms of individual pixel values in HSV color space.

HSV space

As you can see, Hue value have much wider range for pixels of the hologram. Let’s filter pixels based on that and highlight the ones with 5% – 95% percentile range above a certain threshold. Let’s also cutoff dark pixels with too low S and V values.

Success! The holograms most visible on the video are highlighted, but we have some false positives. What’s wrong with these pixels?

That is the result of inaccurate unwarping, pixels laying on strong edges have two distinct values. The difference with hologram pixels is that they are not taking all the values in between of these histogram peaks. In other words, their distribution is less uniform. We can use Chi-squared test to check for uniformity and filter these pixels out:

Much better now! Here’s how it looks overlayed on original video:

Two top pieces are highlighted, and the bottom ones, which look more like a foil on this video, aren’t. Another sample with a credit card having a better hologram:

That’s it. See full code on my github. Thanks for reading!

Today’s post is for developers. If you use the Git version control system with a service such as GitHub, GitLab or Bitbucket to host and manage your projects source codes, you know that by default Git connects to remotes using the HTTPS protocol, which requires you to enter username and password every time you run a command such as git pull or git push.

Using the SSH protocol, you can connect and authenticate to servers to use their services. The three mentioned services allow Git to connect via SSH instead of HTTPS. Connecting with public key encryption dispenses typing username and password for every Git command.

You are going to see in this post how to use GitHub, GitLab and Bitbucket with SSH.

Make sure an SSH client in installed

In order to connect using the SSH protocol, an SSH client must be installed on your system. If you use openSUSE, it should be already installed by default.

Just to make sure, open the terminal and run:

That command should output the version number of the SSH client being used:

In case the system informs that the ssh command was not found, you can install the OpenSSH client running:


Check for existing SSH keys

To connect using the SSH protocol, you need an SSH key pair (one private and the other public). If you have never used SSH, you can safely skip this topic and move on to the next. If you have ever used SSH (for instance, to remotely access a server), probably you already have an SSH key pair, in which case you don’t need to generate a new key pair.

To see if existing SSH keys are present, run:

That command should list the contents of the ~/.ssh folder, in which the SSH client stores its configuration files:

If you receive an error that there is no ~/.ssh directory or there are no files in it, don’t worry: it means you haven’t created an SSH key pair yet. If that is the case, proceed to the next topic.

By default, public SSH keys are named:

  •; or

Inside my ~/.ssh folder, I have an SSH key pair ( is the public key and id_rsa is the private key) created a year ago (Jul 18 2018).

Rsa_generate_key_ex Example

For security reasons, it is recommended that you generate a new SSH key pair at least once a year. If you already have an SSH key pair that was created more than a year ago, it is recommended that you proceed to the next topic.

If you already have an SSH key pair and want to reuse it, you can skip the next topic.

Generate a new SSH key pair

To generate a new SSH key pair, run the following command (replace with your email address):

It asks you where to save the private key (id_rsa).

Press Enter to accept the default location.

If you already have a private key, it asks whether it should overwrite:

If that happens, type y and press Enter.

Then, enter and re-enter a passphrase (think of it as a kind of password):

The SSH key pair is created in ~/.ssh.

The whole interaction should look similar to the following:

Add the private SSH key to the ssh-agent

If you don’t want to type your passphrase each time you use your SSH keys, you need to add it to the ssh-agent, which is a program that runs in background while you are logged in to the system and stores your keys in memory.

To start the ssh-agent in background, run the following:

That command outputs the ssh-agentprocess identifier:

Then, add your SSH private key to the ssh-agent:

Type your passphrase and press Enter:

The command confirms that the private SSH key has been added to the ssh-agent:

Add the public SSH key to your account

Once you have an SSH key and have added it to the ssh-agent, you can set up connecting via SSH. Let’s see how to do that for each of the three servers: GitHub, GitLab and Bitbucket.

In all the three cases, the process is similar. Start by copying your public SSH key (~/.ssh/ file contents to the clipboard using the xclip command:

xclip is a command line utility that allows access to the graphical interface clipboard from the terminal. If it is not installed, you can install it running:


Using a browser, go to the GitHub home page at and sign in to your account.

In the upper-right corner of the page, click your profile photo, then click Settings:

In the user settings sidebar, click SSH and GPG keys. Then click New SSH key.

Fill in the Title field with a descriptive label for the new key (for example, the name of your computer) and paste your public key into the Key field. Finally, click Add SSH key:

Now the key appears in the list of SSH keys associated with your account:


Openssl Rsa Generate Key Pair C Example

Using a browser, go to the GitLab home page at and sign in to your account.

In the upper-right corner of the page, click your profile photo, then click Settings:

In the User Settings sidebar, click SSH Keys.

Paste your public key in the Key field. Fill in the Title field with a descriptive label for the new key (for example, the name of your computer). Finally, click Add key:

Openssl Rsa Generate Key Pair Calculator

Now the key appears in the list of SSH keys associated with your account:


Using a browser, go to the Bitbucket home page at and log in to your account.

In the lower-left corner of the page, click your profile photo, then click Bitbucket settings:

In the Settings sidebar, in the Security section, click SSH keys. Then, click Add key.

Fill in the Label field with a descriptive label for the new key (for example, the name of your computer) and paste your public key into the Key field. Finally, click Add key:

Now the key appears in the list of SSH keys associated with your account:

Test connecting via SSH

GitHub, GitLab and Bitbucket allow you to test whether SSH connection has been set up correctly before actually using it with Git.


After you’ve added your SSH key to your GitHub account, open the terminal and run:

That command attempts an SSH remote access to GitHub.

If that is the first time you connect to GitHub via SSH, the SSH client asks you if it can trust the public key of the GitHub server:

Type yes and press Enter. The SSH client adds GitHub to the list of trusted hosts:

Once added to the list of known hosts, you won’t be asked about GitHub’s public key again.

As this remote access via SSH is provided by GitHub just for testing, not for actual use, the server informs that you have successfully authenticated and terminates the connection:

If you completed the test successfully, now you can use SSH with GitHub.

The whole interaction should look similar to the following:


If you have added your SSH key to your GitLab account, the test is very similar:

If you completed the test successfully, now you can use SSH with GitLab.


If you have added your SSH key to your Bitbucket account, the test is very similar:

If you completed the test successfully, now you can use SSH with Bitbucket.

Clone a repository using SSH

Now that we’ve got our SSH keys set up, let’s see how to clone a Git repository using SSH instead of HTTPS.


At GitHub, go to a project’s repository, click Clone or download and copy the URL to clone the repository using SSH:

The URL of a GitHub repository looks like:

Open the terminal and run the git clone command passing the copied URL as argument.

Tip: to paste into the terminal, use Ctrl + Shift + V.

Note that now Git clones the repository without asking for a password:


At GitLab, go to a project’s repository, click Clone and copy the URL to clone the repository using SSH:

The URL of a GitLab repository looks like:

Open the terminal and run the git clone command passing the copied URL as argument:

Note that now Git clones the repository without asking for a password.


At Bitbucket, go to a project’s repository, click Clone and copy the command to clone the repository using SSH:

Note that, differently from GitHub and GitLab that present the URL, Bitbucket presents the entire git clone command, including the URL.

The URL of a Bitbucket repository looks like:

Open the terminal, paste and run the command you copied from Bitbucket:

Note that now Git clones the repository without asking for a password.

Reconfigure existing repositories to use SSH

The repositories we clone from now on using SSH will continue to use SSH for future Git commands such as git pull and git push. But existing local repositories, previously cloned with HTTPS, will continue to use HTTPS, unless we set them up to use SSH.

To do that, open the terminal and change the current directory to a local repository.

List the existing remote repositories and their URLs with:

That command should output something like:

Change your remote repository’s URL with:

Openssl Generate Rsa Key Pair And Certificate

Run git remote -v once more to verify that the remote repository’s URL has changed:

Great. That done, Git will use SSH, instead of HTTPS, to synchronize that local repository with its remote equivalent.


Openssl Generate Rsa Key Pair C++

I hope those tips can be useful to you as they have been to me since I started using Git. If you have any questions or trouble, don’t hesitate to comment! See you!

Openssl Rsa Generate Key Pair Code

And always remember: have a lot of fun…

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