Feb 13, 2018 Troop Editor needs you to dismiss one troop to catch the address. You are slot 1, whoever is beneath you is slot 2 and so on. Don't try to use the editor on heroes. MIght break your savegame. It's strongly recommended to use Morghs Editor to find out what a number stands for. You can only modify existing troops, not generate new ones. Morgh's Mount & Blade WB/WFAS Editor Supports: Mount & Blade: Warband v1.113 up to v1.143 / Mount & Blade: With Fire & Sword v1.138 up to v1.143 Features Module System editors (Warband ONLY!).
- Mount And Blade Morghs Editor
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- Mount And Blade Bannerlord
- Mount And Blade Warband Morgh's Editor Tutorial
- How To Use Morghs Mount And Blade Editor
1. Always start a new game after you changed things. Don’t use saved games (or you have to play your saved game for a long time, until things change!)
2. NEVER change the existing structure of a module, because this is indexed. You can change values, but never delete existing troops, items, parties,… which are part of the module your are modifying!
3. I repeat what “SirGrom”, a forum user said, because he is absolutely right:
“However it is a fairly powerful tool, and a simple mistake when creating the new unit could cause a lot of problems, so I would make sure that everything is as you want it to be. If nothing else, start slow and work your way forward. Make one new unit, and don’t change anything about it, simply a copy of whatever template you use, like simply editing the name. Then see if that works, and if it does, continue to edit it to see if you can find the exact problem.”
4. Use the editor for adding troops, items and else. Only use a text editor if you know what you do!
1. Make a backup of your module you want to modify
2. Unpack the editor to a directory of your choice, then start the editor
3. Setup the module paths.
3.1. New users should use “TXT compiled files” only! – Set the module path (where the module.ini is).
3.2. Experienced users can use Python or both systems. Set (also) the Module System path.
This guide only helps at the text based editors!
The Python editors are for users who know what the Taleworlds module system is and who know what Python is!
I think, for those people it is not necessary to explain how my pyhton editor’s works.
The only thing to know is the update button. Always hit it, if you change data. And, hit it before you select another data record from the list!
Every time you change things on existing factions, items, troops and party templates you must hit the UPDATE button!
Mount And Blade Morghs Editor
This will store changes from the input mask to the variables in the memory. Without that, your changes will be lost if you select a new entry from the list and even if you save your data!
Save your work often! The save function can also generate backups of you original data.
If you switch to another editor you will be prompted to save your work, if you changed things.
Here you can add/change troop data. One of the most interesting parts of the game.
1. Start the troop editor in the main menu.
2. Select a troop as template for a new troop. If you want an archer, use a vaegir archer (no.52) for example.
3. Hit “Add” button at the top right of the form
4. Edit troop data:
First set troop ID (should be unique!), name and plural name. Then you can set an upgrade path (if the unit levels up it can be upgraded to the selected troop). After that, you can set the faction of the troop (Neutral, bandits, kingdoms, and else).
Set the stat values INT, STR, AGI, CHA – they should be 3,6,9,12,15,18,21,… and not values like 5,7,11,13,14,17,… Each skill point requires three points set to its base stat. Ironflesh 5 requires strength 15 – for example. If you set crossbows to 150 also set weapon master to 3 (which requires agi 9).
You see all these value dependencies at the character screen IN THE GAME! A lot of values will be overwritten by ingame scripts. These are random values, so don’t wonder if the values are different to yours…
Add items to the troop’s inventory. Every item in the troop’s inventory will be used randomly. This is necessary if you don’t want 100 clone warriors in your army.
Set the flags. If you want a mounted unit, then set the mounted flag for example.
The face code is generated in the game (character screen). Set your M&B configuration to “Edit Mode” in the advanced options (the configuration BEFORE the game is started!!!) – then press CTRL+E while generating the troops face. This will display the face code.
The best way is always to use the best template for your new unit.
5. Before doing anything else… hit the add troop button in the top right of the form. Without that, data is lost, even if you save your work. If you want to abort adding a troop, just select a new one from the list.
6. Set the way you want to integrate your unit.
6.1. The easiest way are the upgrade paths. So use the upgrade path from a unit, which is already in the game. My favourite example is the “trp_swadian_recruit” (no.35) – because this is the first used standard soldier in the list. Use his upgrade paths for example to link to your “trp_juck_norris” :) – you have created at the end of the list. The Swadian recruit will be “Juck Norris” when he levels up. Remember this is an example, not more.
6.2. The next way is a party template. You can integrate your unit as member in one of the templates at the party templates editor -> see party templates editor!
6.3. Adding it to a menu. There’s no way at this time to do this with my editor, because I removed the most powerful feature – the menu wizard.
1. Select a troop.
2. Edit data (see above, step 4 at adding troops).
3. Hit update button.
Here you can add/change item data. This is also one of the most interesting parts of the game.

1. Start the item editor in the main menu.
2. Select an item as template for a new item. If you want an archer, use a “Vaegir archer” (no. 52) for example.
3. Hit “Add” button at the top right of the form.
4. Edit item data:
First set item ID (should be unique!), name and plural name.
Set the flags, caps, modifiers and values which are part of the specified item type!
The type flag identifies the item type. These are unique, you can’t set more than one type.
Don’t forget the “merchandise flag” – without you NEVER will find your item at a merchant…
The modifiers are only specifications of the quality of your item.
The abundance value defines the rarity of an item. Higher value = less rarity.

Don’t setup impossible combinations.
Take a look to the existing items which values you can use for your selected item type.
5.Edit meshes:
A huge number of users want to change the item meshes. Select a mesh from the combo box, then change its name at the right side of the combo box. Hit the update button below to update the mesh’s name.
Also you can add/delete meshes to/from the meshes list (combo box)
6. Before doing anything else… hit the add item button in the top right of the editor. Without that, data is lost, even if you save your work.
If you want to abort adding an item, just select a new one from the list.
7. The integration of items appends to the units which are using the items – and the merchants which are selling the items. The third way are the menus, but not in my editor…
1. Select an item.
2. Edit data (see above, step 4 and 5 at adding items).
3. Hit update button.
To add new factions, you MUST use the module system from Taleworlds!
1. Start the faction editor at the main menu
2. Select a faction from the list
3. Edit faction data:
Set ID, name, color and faction relations.
In most cases people only want to change the color.
4. Hit update button.
This editor is necessary to set up the parties. The list contains the locations of towns, castles, villages and also spawn points, bridges and else.
To add new parties, you MUST use the module system from Taleworlds!
1. Start the parties editor at the main menu
2. Select a party from the list
3. Edit party data:
Set ID, name, faction and X/Y position.
The flags are necessary to set the party visible, show its faction, defenders and else.
The icon mask defines the icon which will be shown at the overland map.
The target party list contains the troops the party has. That’s not more than a list that will be shown in the game. Without a game script these troops won’t do anything.
The party templates field is not used by Taleworlds. They do their spawns with triggers and scripting. I never tried to setup a party_template for a spawn point or else.
Also the AI behavior is not used by Taleworlds at these parties. They do scripting.
The AI settings also won’t affect anything.
5. Hit update button.
This editor is necessary to set up the troops in a party template.
Party templates are used by the game to spawn parties at the overland map or for reinforcements and else.
To add new party templates, you MUST use the module system from Taleworlds!
1. Start the party templates editor at the main menu
2. Select a party template from the list
3. Edit party templates data:
Set ID, name, faction.
The personality is used to set up the aggressiveness, courage and banditness.
Members. The most interesting thing at party templates and also one of the ways to get your self-created units to the game!
Here you can set which troops are in the template and how many of it.
The loot field is for experienced users or also of no need, I never used it, but it was part of the party templates header in the module system, so I integrated it.
Menus are deprecated, simple_triggers won’t work any longer.
4.Hit update button.
Something still seems off about your new pictures. I'm pretty sure the new 'troops' you're showing off are just something you put together in morghs editor in 1 minute from the default items in floris so people would stop scolding you for your random_knight.jpeg from before. This is some help to get you started with modding using morghs editor. So first download morghs editor. Then open it and click accept and then make sure text files is selected not ms and tx or module system (configuration setttings) and in the bottom slot click browse then find and select your module (make a copy of Native or a mod you want to use in the modules folder).
I'm fairly new to Mound and Blade Warband, but I have watched youtubers play and they always have an option to give their soldiers (Just normal ones) the rest of the loot and equip them after the end of a battle When i win a battle i can only equip weapons for myself and the rest is sold i can only guess? Is it a mod i need to download or what? Free wavepad download for windows.
3 Answers
Morgh Editor Warband
It is not possible in the default Mount and Blade: Warband. There are several mods which provide such functionality, though i think most mods, for example Floris, only have automatic distribution of loot to your heroes, not your troops.
I can't think of any mod that allows full customization of troops but since there are quite a lot of mods, you might find what you are looking for in the Mod list
MorfildurMorfildurMount And Blade Morgh's Editor
Mount And Blade Free Download
You are able to customise the equipment of your heroes, either by talking to them individually through the party screen or in some mods, like Floris, you also have the option of auto-updating it from a communal equipment pool.
As far as I know, none of the mods allow you to customise the equipment of your regular troops, although you can do this through Morgh's Editor, as has been mentioned in a post above.
Mount And Blade Morgh's Editor For Mac
You can also create your own Knighthood Order in Prophecy of Pendor, and you have the ability to customise the troops that are produced, both in terms of equipment and training.
If you feel that the troops in Warband are a little limited, then you can also use a mod like Floris to expands upon the troop trees of all factions. That might give you more of the experience you are looking for!
Here is the way to change nearly Everything on warband.
Mount And Blade Bannerlord
I Think all moders are using it.