Landmark Compass Software Free Download

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Landmark Compass Software Compass Collectibles Bank Notes v.3.02 The software caters for 9 collections Bank Notes, Coins, Stamps, Pins, Stamps & First Day Covers, Badges & Patches, Medals, Bottles, Jars and Jugs, Books and DVD's Web Site Creation Compass Collectables allows you to easily design and maintain a. Developer's Description. Compass offers an Explorer-style interface and a full range of tools to help you organize your bookmarks. The new search mechanism fulfills your queries. Compass lets you. Download Compass ¶. To download Compass, you can use your preferred web browser. Open the downloads page. Select the installer you prefer. The MongoDB Compass installer is available as a.exe or.msi package or archive. Download the latest version of MongoDB Compass for Windows.

  • License: Shareware

The Screen Compass allows you to measure the Radius, Circumference or Area of circular or polygonal shapes on your screen. The intuitive user interface allows you to quickly align the Compass by dragging it with the mouse, and fine adjustments can be made using the keyboard or nudge buttons. This perfect compliment to the Screen Calipers and Screen Protractor, the Screen Compass is simple and easy to use with any program. You may download the feature limited trial, and evaluate the Screen Compass for as long as you need to.

  • Platform: Mac OS X
  • Publisher:Iconico
  • Date: 03-03-2006
  • Size: 296 KB
  • License: Shareware

The Screen Compass allows you to accurately measure the Radius, Circumference or Area of circular or polygonal shapes on your screen. The intuitive user interface allows you to quickly align the Compass by dragging it with the mouse, and fine adjustments can be made using the keyboard or nudge buttons. This perfect compliment to the Screen Calipers and Screen Protractor, the Screen Compass is simple and easy to use with any program. You may download the feature limited trial, and evaluate the Screen Compass for as long as you need to.

  • Platform: Windows
  • Publisher:Iconico
  • Date: 10-11-2006
  • Size: 814 KB
  • License: Freeware

Copy Compass is the ideal plugin for your blog or website. It allows you to optimise your copy in line with generally accepted SEO best practices.It is ideal for the casual blogger or the more serious blog master or website owner who wants to ensure his content always ranks well within the search engine results pages.Copy Compass embeds itself within your admin section for quick and easy access. Once the 'Analyse' button is clicked, your copy is automatically sent through an API and is systematically and methodically analysed by the Copy Compass Core.

  • Platform: PHP, Scripts
  • Publisher:nickduncan
  • Date: 01-02-2013
  • Size: 10 KB
  • License: Shareware

Sun Compass / Clock is a small, Java based application specially designed to help you create a Sun Compass/Clock that can be printed out and used 'in the field'.
The basic principle is that it can help you to accurately calculate either the current time, or a true north bearing (or any other bearing by extension) or your current latitude.
for WindowsAll

Landmark compass software, free download windows 7
  • Platform: WinOther
  • Publisher:Chris Molloy
  • Date:
  • License: Freeware

CML Compass Project is an intuitive and easy to use programming environment designed to help you easily create Java projects, classes, annotations, JUnit test cases and more.
CML Compass Project comes with advanced refactoring tools, enabling you to modify method signatures, extract superclasses and interfaces, introduce indirections and factories and migrate JAR files.
User-defined comments, advanced navigation, annotation and search tools, references and declarations, JavaDoc generator and an integrated debugger are other features of CML Compass Project.

  • Platform: Windows
  • Publisher:CML Compass Project Team
  • Date:
  • License: Freeware

Compass provides you with a simple application built in Java that enables you to setup and connect to a VNC server.
Compass includes a VNC server creation tool that allows you to setup the server configuration and start the service. Once you do so, use the Compass application to launch the web interface.

  • Platform: WinOther
  • Publisher:Kyle Quamme
  • Date:
Landmark Compass software, free download
  • License: Shareware

Compass provides you with a navigation menu on every product page. Find what you're looking for, fast.
Compass lets you hide the content you don't want to see. Cut through the cruft and get to the good stuff.
This useful Safari extension supports all the major online shops: Amazon, BestBuy, Target, Walmart and more.

  • Platform: WinOther
  • Publisher:Fat Earth Media
  • Date:
  • License: Shareware

AdWords Compass is a powerful Windows application for spying on Google AdWords competition.
Please take a try, you will find more..

  • Platform: Windows
  • Publisher:DoolSoft
  • Date:
  • Size: 2242 KB
  • License: Shareware

KNOCKS Instrumentation Suite is a collection of Native .Net controls which let you simulate real hardware controls in Winform applications. All components can be simply drag-dropped onto a WinForm.It contains Meters, Gauges, Oscilloscope, Sliders, compass, switches, tank, odometer, toggle switch, slider, clock for .NET application development
Key Features:
100% native .NET framework managed components written in C#.
Full support of data binding. All properties can be bound to data source of any kind.

  • Platform: Windows
  • Publisher:KNOCKS Solutions
  • Date: 15-01-2007
  • Size: 410 KB
Landmark compass software, free download windows 7
  • License: Freeware

Geometrical constructions with ruler and compass. Write a source file with a provided editor and see output of your construction. There is a step-by-step option to see all steps of a construction. Constructions of polyhedrons with many examples. Graphs. Algebraic simplifications of mathematical expressions. Fractions are written in an ordinary way, as you learned it in your school. Write an easy source files showing roots of quadratic and cubic equations. See approached and exact values of these roots and the graph of a quadratic or cubic function at the same time.

  • Platform: Windows
  • Publisher:Literka
  • Date: 16-05-2011
  • Size: 2032 KB
  • License: Freeware

This landmark-based audio fingerprinting system is able to match short, noisy snippets to a reference database in near-constant time.This is my implementation of the music audio matching algorithm developed by Avery Wang for the Shazam service. Shazam can identify apparently any commercial music track from a short snippet recorded via your cell phone in a noisy bar. I don't have the database to check if my version is quite that good, but it is able to rapidly match and locate a poor-quality excerpt from within a database of (at least) hundreds of tracks.

  • Platform: Matlab, Scripts
  • Publisher:Dan Ellis
  • Date: 09-04-2013
  • Size: 154 KB
  • License: Shareware

EARTH_COMPASS Earth-coordinate compass plot - Changes plot labels to N,S,E,W Syntax: EARTH_COMPASS(U, V) EARTH_COMPASS(U, V, LINESPEC) Inputs: U: vector of u-velocity V: vector of v-velocity Optional: LINESPEC: line specification (ie, color).

  • Platform: Matlab, Scripts
  • Publisher:Cameron Sparr
  • Date: 26-02-2013
  • Size: 1024 KB
  • License: Shareware

InSPIRE: utilties for cropping, geting itk output into matlab data, save matlab user place landmarks into itk landmark file for itk transformations.Please download all InSPIRE files..

  • Platform: Matlab, Scripts
  • Publisher:Rex Cheung
  • Date: 04-06-2013
  • Size: 10 KB
  • License: Freeware

The COMPASS Engine is a framework for building online games. It aims to use existing web technologies (HTTP, XML, JS) to produce a MVC architecture following RESTful principles.
COMPASS Engine License - GNU General Public License (GPL).

  • Platform: WinOther
  • Publisher:Compassengine
  • Date:
  • License: Freeware

UTANAV is a GPS and digital compass assisted map navigation system currently running on the PIC18F4520 micro-controller by Microchip(TM). It is written in MPLAB assembly.
UTANAV - GPS/Compass Assisted Navigation License - Academic Free License (AFL).

  • Platform: WinOther
  • Publisher:Utanav
  • Date:
  • License: Freeware

Developed in KBQuest Ltd, Compass framework is an architectural pattern for web application. It provides guidelines for developers to avoid misuse of frameworks.
Compass Webapp Framework License - Apache License V2.0.

  • Platform: WinOther
  • Publisher:Compassweb
  • Date:
  • Size: 98 KB
  • License: Freeware

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Compass Component Framework (CCF) for PHP 5.1 and higher is a lightweight object-oriented library which allows to develop OO applications quickly, using wide-known patterns like MVC, FrontController and Injection of Control.
Compass Component Framework for PHP 5 License - GNU Library or Lesser General Public License (LGPL).

  • Platform: Linux, Mac, Windows
  • Publisher:Compass-php5
  • Date:
  • Size: 21 KB

Landmark Compass Software free. download full Version

  • License: Shareware

SVG Exporter is a handy application designed to import data from Compass and to manipulate it in order to generate finished maps with other applications such as Adobe Illustrator or Inkscape.
You can scale the maps, morph the cave survey data and export as an SVG file that can be used by the other tools.

  • Platform: WinOther
  • Publisher:Fountain Computer Products
  • Date:
  • License: Shareware

Geometry Playground was developed as an accessible and unique instrument that provides a ruler and compass for six different geometries.
Geometry Playground is written in the Java programming language and can be run on Windows, Mac OS X and Linux.

  • Platform: WinOther
  • Publisher:Daniel Heath
  • Date:
  • License: Shareware

Landmark Compass software, free download Windows 10

The software caters for 9 collections Bank Notes, Coins, Stamps, Pins, Stamps & First Day Covers, Badges & Patches, Medals, Bottles, Jars and Jugs, Books and DVD's
Web Site Creation
Compass Collectables allows you to easily design and maintain a website of your collection that you can share with your friends. Once you have added your collection to Compass Collectables a website can be created by following just a few easy steps.
Some features of the website include:
* Many different color schemes and layouts to choose from
* Upload images of your collection
* Ability to only publish the information you want e.

Landmark Compass software, free download Mac

  • Platform: Windows
  • Publisher:Mathers IT
  • Date:
  • Size: 13946 KB

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