Keyboard Shortcut For Degree Symbol

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  1. Keyboard Shortcut For Degree Symbol
  2. Keyboard Shortcut For Degree Symbol Mac Os
  3. Keyboard Shortcut For Degree Symbol Windows

Typing the Degree Symbol on a Windows Laptop with a Keyboard Shortcut. Another way to type the degree symbol when using a Windows laptop is to use a keyboard shortcut. This is quicker than having to open the Character Map and searching for the degree symbol so that you can copy and paste it. The keyboard shortcut to type degree symbol on Windows is Alt + 0176. To type the degree symbol on a windows PC using the shortcut, obey the following instructions: Enable Num Lock by pressing the Num Lock key. Use Fn key plus NumLk to turn on Num Lock on laptops without the numeric keypad.

A reader recently asked how to use a degree symbol on macOS (OS X). Fortunately, typing a degree symbol on your Mac on macOS is as easy as typing on your iOS phone, which allows you to properly express both math and increasingly unstable weather.

There are two ways to enterthe degree symbol in macOS, and both of them are system level functions, whichmeans that they will work in any application on your Mac at almost any time(with some exceptions for protected text input fields).

But don’t worry, all of themost common applications in which you want to enter a degree symbol aresupported, including web browsers, MacOS messages, Skype, email clients, andeven journal applications such as the popular Day One

Degreesymbol from the special character menu

You can insert a degree character (among many other characters) using the special character menu, now called the Emoji & Symbols menu in later versions of macOS, including macOS Mojave.

To access it, place thecursor where you want to insert the degree symbol, and then go to Edit>Special characters (or Edit> Emoji and characters )in the menu bar. Alternatively, you can use the Control-Command-Space keyboard shortcut onyour Mac keyboard.

A new window will appeardisplaying a series of special characters, characters and, for Yosemite, Emoji. Insteadof manually viewing hundreds of available characters, simply enter “degree” inthe search field to display the available degree characters.

As you can see in thescreenshot above (based on OS X Yosemite 10.10.2), you have a choice of threeoptions for degree symbols: one for degrees Fahrenheit and Celsius and a simpledegree symbol. Just double-click on the character you want to paste it atthe current location of the mouse cursor or trackpad. Frequently usedsymbols and symbols will be displayed under the search box, which will save youa little time in the future.

KeyboardShortcut Key

The Special Characters menudescribed above gives you hundreds of useful characters, characters, andemoticons to choose from, but if you just need a simple degree symbol, this isnot the fastest option. Instead, let’s use a keyboard shortcut.

While typing, hover over theplace where you want to insert the degree symbol. Then use one of thefollowing keyboard shortcuts:

Shift-Option-8: Thiskey combination inserts the correct degree symbol (i.e., 72 °);
Option-K: Thiskey combination inserts a small degree symbol, very similar to the actualdegree symbol, but smaller (i.e., 72˚)

We are not sure if there is any significant difference between the symbols of large and small degree, when they are used in meteorological or mathematical contexts, but using any of them will most likely help you with this (see Note below). It should be noted that when using the special character menu approach described in the section above, a larger character is inserted.

How To Find The IPhone Degree Symbol On The IOS Virtual Keyboard

When Steve Jobs introduced the first iPhone, he lauded the device’s virtual keyboard as superior to then-prevalent physical keyboards thanks to its ability to dynamically change based on the needs of software. But just because the iPhone’s virtual keyboard is flexible, it doesn’t mean that certain symbols aren’t hard to find.
Once such example is the degree symbol, which is particularly relevant considering the crazy state of weather in recent months. While some apps, especially weather and math-based apps, put the degree symbol front and center, the standard iPhone keyboard layout hides it without much indication of where to find it.
To find the iPhone degree symbol, launch any app that brings up the virtual keyboard. Tap on the 123 modifier to bring up the numeric and symbols keyboard and tap and hold on the 0 (zero). After a brief delay, a pop-up will appear allowing you to choose the degree symbol. While continuing to hold, simply slide your finger or thumb over to the degree symbol until it’s highlighted in blue. Release to insert the symbol at your cursor’s location.
Note that while our screenshot demonstrates this feature in iOS 7, the degree symbol can be found via the same method on all supported versions of iOS and on all iDevices, including the iPad and iPod touch.

Type Degree Symbol in Word, Excel, Mac, Alt Code, Keyboard Shortcut etc. How to put the degree symbol (°) with the keyboard | Word | Mac | Alt Code | Celsius. The first documented use of the Degree Symbol ° was in 1657. It looks like a miniaturized O. The Degree symbol is used represent degree as the name suggest. The degree symbol (°) , represented by a small circle, is used to express various measurements, such as angles or temperature. Although the computer keyboard does not include a key for this symbol, you can use a key combination to type it. In Word and other Microsoft Office applications, you can also insert it through the Symbol dialog box .

Examples of use of Degree Symbol °:

1. Use of degree symbol to represent temperature:

2.Use of Degree Symbol to represent angles:


3.Use of Degree Symbol to represent longitude and latitude coordinates:

4. Use of Degree symbol to represent logarithmic film speed:

It is used to represent degree of temperature, degree of angles, latitude and longitude coordinates and the logarithmic film speed.

Place the cursor where you want to insert the degree symbol. Then press Alt + 0176 and that symbol will appear. You can use this method to insert it into an email message or any office application.

In your Word document , place the cursor where you want to insert the degree symbol. Go to the Insert tab , and in the Symbols group , click Symbol > More Symbols . Under Font , open the dropdown menu and select Times New Roman . Scroll between the symbols and select the degree symbol. Click Insert and it will appear in your document. The next time you want to insert it, you just have to select it in the Recently used symbols section .

Press the option + 0 (zero) keys and the degree symbol will appear in your text.

The symbol of the degrees of temperature, either degree Celsius (° C), degree Fahrenheit (° F) or Rankine degree (° K), will be written next to the figure if the scale is not specified: The temperature in Lima reached 33 ° (by thirty-three degrees). Instead, it will be attached to the scale symbol if it appears explicit: The temperature in Lima reached 33 ° C (by thirty-three degrees Celsius) .

It should be noted that although many use the degree centigrade terminology , the proper degree is Celsius in honor of Anders Celsius, Swedish physicist and astronomer.

1. Celsius degree


celsius degree decimal


celsius degree hex


celsius degree source code

Keyboard Shortcut For Degree Symbol

The name, strictly speaking, is degree Celsius (with the name of the scientist in capital letters), although outside of technical contexts degree centigrade or simply degree is used .

2. 23 ° C, with space between the figure and the symbol

The internationally established symbol is ° C , which consists of a small circle followed by the letter C without space . A space is left between the number and the symbol : 23 ° C .

In non-specialized writings, only the circle is sometimes used, in which case it is written next to the number: 23 ° . In technical contexts and in accordance with international standards, this symbol is reserved for degrees of angle, which is a value that it also has in general, as in “It made a 180 ° turn”.

3. The symbol includes a circle, no or even a zero

Often the circle is replaced by an o or a zero, but they are not the correct spellings . If you opted for the or because of typographical limitations, it is preferable not to add an underline (it is not, therefore, 23 or C ), but in any case a point is not added.

4. The number and symbol must not be on separate lines

There should be no line break between the number and the symbol , for which a nondivision space or other resource adjusted to the medium used may be used.

5. K elvin, and not Kelvin degree

Occasionally another temperature unit called kelvin (and not Kelvin degree ), symbol K (not ° K ) appears in the press , but it is usually limited to scientific texts.

6. G rado Fahrenheit symbol ° F

The Fahrenheit degree can also be found , although it is a unit that should be avoided in countries where it is not official and convert to a Celsius degree. Its symbol is ° F .

These units, as spelled out, are regulated in the International System of Units, which in many countries has been incorporated in whole or in part into their legislation and which is supplemented by the International System of Magnitudes (ISO 80000).

The degree as a symbol in the form of a small circle located in the superscript is known almost exclusively in connection with the determination of temperature. In everyday life in our region, these are degrees Celsius ° C. In reality, we can still meet the degrees of Fahrenheit ° F and, very rarely, a few more, but we are already a little away from the meaning of this article. We have a number of options for typing it on the keyboard, and now let’s talk about what they are.


A good way to write non-standard characters is to use ASCII codes. The procedure is very simple. All you have to do is press and hold the left Alt , while holding it, enter a several-digit numeric code on the numeric part of the keyboard and finally release Alt. The degree even has two numeric codes defined, namely 248 and 0176. Choose the one you want, or try both, because it is possible that this or that will not work for you for various reasons.

Keyboard Shortcut For Degree Symbol

ASCII for ° = Alt + 0176, or Alt + 248



If you have an active Czech keyboard, which is the rule for most users, you have the option of using two very simple keyboard shortcuts with the help of the left or right Alt ( AltGr ). In addition to these two buttons, we will also be interested in the Ctrl ( Control ) key and the key for the letter ř and the number 6, which can be found roughly in the middle at the top of the keyboard ( usually ř, two 5 and % – percent ). In both cases, it is enough to press the two or three keys at the same time and then confirm the entry by clicking on the space bar.

  1. Left Alt + Ctrl + key for ø and 5
  2. Right Alt ( AltGr ) + key for ř a 5


Last but not least, we can write the degree in the classic way via a character map, which we can open within the Windows operating system, or directly in Office programs – Word, Excel, PowerPoint. After opening it, all you have to do is search for and insert the symbol.

To open a character map:

  • Windows: Start → Windows Accessories → Character Map
  • Office programs: Insert → Symbol → Additional symbols



Not all keyboards have the same layout, nor do they contain exactly the same characters . On most Czech keyboards, however, we find the degree symbol ” directly ” and therefore we do not need any complicated keyboard shortcuts and the like. It is usually located on the first key from the left in the second row from the top just below the Esc ( Escape ) button. He still lives there with him; ( semicolon ), ` ( inverted comma ) and ~ ( wavy line ). If this is really the case and you see it there, enter it by pressing this key at the same time as the Shift key. Click the space bar to complete the separate entry. To write with a letter, then write the appropriate capital letter ° C ( in our case it will usually be a capital C ).

Important note: In this procedure, we do not really write the real real symbol of the degree, but the diacritical mark, which we use in Czech, for example, for the us ring . From a purely visual point of view, however, this is not very important.

Degrees Celsius or degrees Celsius are the most correct ways to indicate degrees of temperature on the Celsius scale, and are also represented by the symbol ºC. Degrees centigrade is the old way of saying degrees Celsius and should not be used.

Examples with degrees Celsius

  • Today, thermometers have exceeded forty degrees Celsius.
  • It’s cold! How many degrees Celsius are there?
  • How do I convert degrees Celsius to degrees Fahrenheit?

Examples with degrees celsius

  • Today, thermometers have exceeded forty degrees Celsius.
  • It’s cold! How many degrees Celsius are there?
  • How do I convert degrees Celsius to degrees Fahrenheit?

Examples with ºC

  • Today, thermometers have exceeded 40 ºC.
  • It’s cold! How many ºC are there?
  • How do I convert ºC to ºF?

The word centigrade was formerly used to indicate a degree of temperature on the Celsius scale, as a degree of a centigrade scale. However, in 1948, at the General Conference on Weights and Measures, it was decided to replace the word centigrade with the word Celsius or Celsius.

The adjective centigrade should be used only to indicate that something is divided into one hundred degrees, being synonymous with centesimal:

Keyboard Shortcut For Degree Symbol

  • centigrade scale;
  • centesimal scale;
  • centigrade thermometer;
  • proximate thermometer;

There is also the word centigrade, without graphic accentuation, which indicates that something is divided into one hundred degrees, a scale used to measure angles.

Celsius is the name of the temperature measurement scale created by Anders Celsius, a Swedish physicist and astronomer. This scale is divided into one hundred degrees, from the water freezing point (0º) to the water boiling degree (100º), measured under pressure of an atmosphere.

Keyboard Shortcut For Degree Symbol Mac Os

The word Celsius, with a capital letter and without graphic accentuation, is dictionaryized, but it is not recognized in the orthographic vocabulary of the Brazilian Academy of Letters, being registered only its aportuguesada form – Celsius, with lower case and acute accent in the first syllable.

Keyboard Shortcut For Degree Symbol Windows

Note : There are other ways to measure the temperature, such as the Fahrenheit scale and Kelvin, the temperature unit of the international unit system.

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